Work Out Music

I CAN NOT work out without music. Seriously…. I have 3 iPods. They are named SwimPod (Waterproof), GymPod and Run Fatty Run. Each has a uniquely crafted play list that is changed every single time I use them. Some of my “current favourite songs” may feature each time, but I change the tracks on them before I embark on any fitness activity. I like not becoming reliant on the same songs; I find it keeps me going. Also there is no chance of a slow or sad song coming up in shuffle that makes me lose my motivation. I usually need something electronic, with a really good beat to keep me motivated, but depending on the activity, this can change! For weights, I like to listen to what I call angry music like Nirvana, Lincoln Park, Nine Inch Nails, Metallica, Peaches, Rammstein etc. It makes me feel tough, strong and awesome. Other times I will go through an 80’s playlist and sing out loud at the gym, often wondering why people are looking at me. Mostly though, especially with my running, it needs to be dance music. My swimming is a mix of hard trance and melodic trance (no surprises there) but my running music is very upbeat and fast. I am always searching for awesome mixes to keep me going when my body want to quit.

Latest Running Playlist

This is my latest fave. It’s an awesome mash up from Ministry Of Sound and is great for me as they tracks are quite short, and they use the most catchy bits of the songs, so I am kind of constantly distracted by that, and less focused on how exhausted I am lol.

Check it out here

Do you exercise to music? What’s your fave work out music?

love xxx


  1. Classical, what about classical? Raised you on everything… Ride of the Valkeries. Mind you I do like the Pirate music, very motivational if you pick the right tracks. Meant to walk three blocks one night, ended up walking half the town.

  2. Well done on the walk! That is ACE! I listen to classical music when I am working. I just find it doesn't motivate me when I train 🙂

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