fitness, music, workout
So after about 8 weeks of traveling, food poisoning, socialising and just generally not being a good little fitness girl, this week I am back into it with a vengeance.
fitness, workout
I love the feeling of being able to lift something heavy and as a girl be all like "See I'm a tough bitch!" But today my weights decided to say a big FU to me. In my last set of dumbbell overhead presses my arms just decided to stop working and I nearly dropped the weights.
the bayley body, workout
WOW! I had planned on blogging daily but have been so insanely busy with my job and the charity I volunteer with that i just haven’t had time. Firstly, THANK YOU SO MUCH to all the amazing people who have so generously sponsored me.
Happy New Year all! I hope you had marvelous celebrations. I had a wonderful time but was a bit of a nana and was in bed by 12.30..... Although it may have had more to do with all the wine I drank!
This is still my number 1, but I a changing it to "Get Fit". I think this is a better all round goal. I think the importance of having a healthy body comes before the vanity of "losing weight". Losing weight and toning up are the amazing, beautiful and fucking awesome side effects of being fit and healthy.