Workout Music – Do you or don’t you?

I have blogged about this before and I just cant stress how important music is to my workout. In fact, if I don’t have music, I don’t work out. And further to that, I have different types of music and devices depending on what exercise I am doing! 


SwimMan waterproofed iPod
Speedo Waterproof headphones

Sound track – Progressive trance or chill-out spliced with a few hard trance tracks


iPod Nano with Bluetooth
Sennheiser MM100 wireless headphones

Sound track – Any Ministry of Sound running compilation, a few top 40 songs (with bass) and mood dependent, a few from the angry list

Gym / Weights

iPod Nano with Bluetooth
Sennheiser MM100 wireless headphones

Sound track – 
Cardio – always dance music, classic trance, HHC, hard trance, breaks, drum & bass
Weights – ANGRY music, hip hop and rap 

I always change my playlist on every device before any workout too. I will have lists in iTunes like

SwimPod 1
SwimPod 2

etc, for each activity, and will never listen to the same list twice. In saying that, there are always a few “current faves” that say on each new list. They don’t have to be new tracks either, just ones that I really love and that inspire me to move. 

Some of you may see this as ridiculously obsessive, but music gets me motivated and moving……

I will often Google Workout playlists to get inspiration and  ideas for my own. I came across the BEST angry playlist I have found on the net yet! It’s from Health Habits and you can get it here

Do you listen to music when you work out? Do you have a fave type?

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  1. Pingback: My Top 5 songs on rotation on my workout playlist - Jazskimo Gets Fit

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