For every failed 2 week wait I swear I have PSTD. For those not in the TTC community the 2 week wait is the time between an embryo transfer cycle. We need to wait 9 – 14 days before our first beta blood test to see if the transfer worked. WITHOUT TAKING PREGNANCY TESTS….
I’m onto my 5th FET and I’m halfway through the dreaded 2 week wait (2ww). I go crazy every single day wanting to test and googling early signs of pregnancy and a bunch of other very unhelpful stuff! So this time I thought I would be productive! Without fucking around, here it is! My list of 100 things to do during the 2 week wait.

- Have a skincare spring clean. I hardly wear makeup but my skincare routine is a bit OCD.. what I didn’t realise is that a lot of the products I used contained some things that are not good for growing a tiny human, so with the help of this AMAZING site and this app I was able to either keep, or find replacements for my daily go too products.
- Get an early start on those Christmas cards.
- Unsubscribe to all those emails or newsletters that you normally just delete… please state a reason as believe it or not, for people who work in marketing its important.
- Clean out your inbox. Google Inbox zero method and see if you can! Or read this article.
- Download all your photos from your phone to your computer or cloud account and sort them into folders, then pick some out to either print for a frame or make a photobook.
- Learn to sew.
- Do an app clean out on your devices. If you haven’t used it in 6 months – delete it
- Get a penpal. Handwritten is way better than email
- Write reviews for your fave business. It really helps them
- Make your loved one’s music playlists of all the songs that remind you of them on a streaming service like apple music or Spotify. Or if you don’t have those, find the songs on YouTube and make a playlist for them there
- Clean out your wardrobe and draws and donate what you can to charity. If you haven’t worn it in a year it goes
- Start a short course. There are lots of free introductory courses to choose from online like this one
- Work on a recipe until you nail it
- Bake cookies or cakes for your co-works, clinic nurses, doctors, friends or family
- Get an adult (or kids!) colouring book and colour for hours on end or until your hand feels like it’s going to fall off
- Download an app and catalogue the books you have read so when you are at the airport buying books for the plane you can see if you have read it or not!
- Take a cooking class to learn to make or bake something you have always wanted to try
- Convert your cds to digital music by adding them to your music library in your computer
- Clean up your computer desktop. If you are anything like me I save a million things on there and it gets crowded!
- Backup all your important documents and files to a cloud account
- Make a top ten list of your fave movies for each genre of films like horror, romance, drama etc
- Pick a new show that you wouldn’t normally for on Netflix and binge binge binge!
- Write emails to your local member of parliament about an issue that is important to you
- Clean out your Tupperware cupboard and check Pinterest for organizational ideas
- See your therapist
- Make a list of friends and family members that you haven’t spoken to in forever and schedule an hour catch up call with them each day or the 2ww
- Go to the public library and join if not a member and read their magazines and newspapers
- Create a must-read book list to share with your friends with all your fave or meaningful or moving books you have read
- Write some haiku poems
- Get a mani pedi. There is a lot of info out there on this, you can start by reading this – I use Butter London
- Go for a walk at the beach or in the forest or bush to get back to nature
- Get your hair washed and styled at a salon
- Go to the zoo. Love hate relationship. Love the education they bring, hate the animals in cages.
- Make friendship bracelets for your girlfriends
- Learn how to read tarot cards
- Go to a Tibetan singing bowl meditation session
- Put a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle together
- Delete old whatsapp chats that you no longer need and remove yourself from groups that are no longer active
- Plan all the dinners for the week and make sure that there are leftovers for lunch the next day so you don’t need to stress about meals
- Write out all the birthday cards in advance is store them by month so you know when to send them
- Play a video game until you finish the game
- Take a really long afternoon nap
- Wash all the cushion covers on your couch or sofa pillows
- Learn to make homemade soap that’s free of nasties
- Make a master list of gift ideas for all the occasions you celebrate so you are not stuck planning last minute
- Take yourself out for an old school banana split. Share it with your partner only if you want to
- Write emails to yourself about how you are feeling, then send them to read them the next day
- Clean out all your pens and pencils and throw away all the ones that don’t work, then donate all your extra to charities like….
- Clean out your pantry and dry foods
- Make a picnic lunch and go to a park or the beach and eat it and read a book or magazine
- Start a book club with your friends
- Start a journal or diary and write about what and how you are feeling
- Check out communities that interest you on Reddit (stay away from baby ones for now!)
- Do a social media friend cull and remove those who you no longer interact with or only added because you went to school with them
- Organise a fashion and accessories swap meet with your friends. It’s a great way to recycle your wardrobe and get new things without having to pay
- Host a mystery murder dinner night on a Saturday night with your friends
- Clean all your shoes or treat them with leather wipes. If they are smelly add some bicarb soda to the soles for a few days, then vacuum up
- Find some new hair styles on Pinterest and practice them on yourself. I can’t braid to save my life, so I am working on French braiding as my husband refuses to learn for me….
- If it’s near Easter, make your own Easter eggs with hard boiled eggs and food dye. You can make beautiful patterns by adding different colours to bowls with some water and blowing bubbles with straws! (wear gloves though)
- Start a postcard chain with friends all over the world. Find one from your town and send to a friend in another country, then have them return a postcard and start a collection.
- Create a travel bucket list of all the places you would love to visit
- Start scrapbooking
- Learn about astronomy and star constellations and look in the night sky to practice what you learn
- Do your filing! I have my own business and I am terrible at filing my paperwork that isn’t digital!
- Dispose of your old technology. I have 3 laptops and 4 old phones that I will never use again and are not fit to donate. Make sure you wipe the devices and return to factory settings, then google drop off locations for recycling old tech
- Fix all your costume jewelry that is missing a clasp or latch or back. Necklaces and earrings are easily fixed by taking a trip to a craft store and buying the small pieces you need to fix them.
- Take up calligraphy and send beautiful cards or letters to loved ones
- Clean your device screens and keyboards
- Write letters to people in hospice or older living, even if they don’t know you, it’s a joy to receive a letter
- Clean out all your pens, pencils and notepads and donate them to kids in need. Google places to donate stationery
- Make some reels or YouTube vids about the 2 week wait
- Start your own website about something that interests you. There are plenty of easy-to-use website builders out there
- Start a business out of your hobby. You never know it might turn into a good side hustle
- Sell unused items on buy, swap sell, marketplace or carousell etc… earn some extra cash while creating space in your home
- Volunteer your time with a charity. (Avoid animals, hospitals etc FOR NOW… just in case so you don’t get sick)
- Use an AI bot to generate some cool stories for people you know. A fun one to start is 4 friends walk into a bar and there is a door to another universe…
- Learn about a sport that’s always interested you, but you know nothing about. For me, I am getting into basketball, but I have a lot to learn
- Take a flower arranging course
- Comment sweet messages and affirmations to random social media accounts that you come across that seem to need some TLC (esp in the TTC community)
- Call you mama!
- Call your dad!
- Send your partner some flowers / chocolates / cake / whiskey / Lego to their workplace with a thank you note / love note for going through this with you
- Write your partner a sentence every single day of the 2 ww with something they said or did that was supportive and give it to them after the wait
- Buy and read a magazine that is not your normal topic of choice. I recently got a subscription to Nat Geo Magazine, and I love it!
- Start a new home recycling program. did you know you can recycle batteries, light globes, and electronics at some supermarkets now
- Change your desktop wallpaper or chrome skin. A change really is as good as a holiday
- Learn to draw! Use tracing paper to get the hang of shapes
- Take up painting. There are some cool digital paint by numbers apps for if you are old like me, get a canvas paint by numbers
- Press flowers and leaves in old books and use them to make cards or send to loved ones as a sweet surprise
- List your fave ice cream flavours and get your loved ones to do the same. I’m a choc mint or jaffa girl
- Get in touch with people from your past to see how they are doing in life. Share a fond or happy memory you have of them. (Don’t stalk tho… I get into trouble for that hahaha)
- Clean out your shoe cupboard and sell or donate what doesn’t fit or you no longer wear. I went up a whole size with Brodie and I still haven’t parted with my fave boots or heels : (
- Take a jewelry making class. I did this with some friends, and we made the most beautiful rings. Loved it
- Follow some new social media accounts in the TTC world and offer support for those going though what you are going through
- Print out and update some of the photo frames in your house. We store so many memories on our phones now… we need to bring them into the world around us
- Learn a musical instrument
- Learn to sing your fave song word or word… unless you already know all the words to Baby Got Back, then you are set for life
- Create a weekly savings plan with different amounts you plan to save and what you are saving for
- Go outside and sit and people watch and make up their life stories in our head
- Do whatever the fuck you want to do, you are growing a human! It’s all about you

Well there you go! I hope it helps you in this crazy time. If you need a 2 week wait buddy more then happy for you to hit me up over on Instagram at @jazskimo and we can wait and vent together.
Jazzy xxx